
Surtex Instrments

Extraction Forceps

Adair Tenaculum Forceps

SURTEX® Adair Tenaculum Forceps is a multipurpose OB/GYN instrument that surgeons frequently use to grasp, hold and mobilize the intrapelvic soft tissues and blood vessels, in order to perform several procedures.

  • Sharp Prong Tips for Firmly Holding Tissues.
  • Ratchet Mechanism for Statically Locking the Jaws.


Antrum Curette

The SURTEX® Antrum Curettes assist otolaryngologists for the extraction of soft tissue biopsies in pathologies of the nasal cavities.

  • Long handle for optimal dexterity and sampling depth.
  • Cup shaped blades for adequate and swift tissue collection.
  • Premium stainless steel materials for reliable service.


Adson Periosteal Elevator

SURTEX® Adson Periosteal Elevator is a specialized tool that neurosurgery and orthopedic specialists can use for lifting and cutting periosteum tissue, in order to scrape flaps and reveal diseased or fractured bone structures.

  • One-Sided Beveled Blade for Smooth Tissue Dissection.
  • Multiple Blade Widths for Suiting All Surgical Needs.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle for Superior Control

Probes & Dilators


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